

I'm not dead! I went on a trip to St. Louis and spent more time just kind of unwinding than drawing (though I actually did draw more than I normally do on trips!)
The drawing on the left was completed on the drive back and the drawing on the right was done in bits and pieces throughout the day until I made it back to the other side of the state Monday night. A little different than I normally do but methodical and repetitive drawings like the mandala awhile ago are really relaxing.

On my list of things to do:
-Finish up the triptych for a client
-Put together a snappy new zine version of my old sketchbook zines for Shannon dearest. Possibly create nice printed versions to sell? (Thank you for lighting the fire under this Shannon!)
-Pet portraits
-Get started on a mailing campaign
-Starting up my online store
-Website update
-Reading How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

1 comment:

  1. ;) Glad to assist in the lighting of a fire Steph. I look forward to sharing the zine with my students.
    And! I like you Geometric pattern drawings. They have a moment of their own...
